Iberpatrimonio Natura

Iberpatrimonio Natura

Iberpatrimonio Natura is an eTwinning project between a Portuguese school (Agrupamento Escolas José Relvas) and a Spanish school (Ramón del Valle-Inclan secondary school, Seville), which involves protection of the Iberian ecosystem and, in particular, the figure of the Iberian lynx.

The project is aimed at pupils aged 12-15 to work in the curricular areas of Biology, Environmental Education, Ethics, Foreign Languages, History and Natural Sciences. All the subjects and content addressed are in line with the targets set in the school’s educational project and the curricula of each of the areas involved.

Iberpatrimonio Natura is an innovative project that, based on a PBL methodology and a CLIL approach, encourages students to observe and research into the environment. It also gives them the chance to participate in the translation from Portuguese to Spanish of an illustrated book about the Iberian lynx. All results are shared in the TwinSpace and the project blog.

The implementation of the project has also served to promote a meeting in Seville between partner schools and a visit to the Doñana Park to conduct research on Iberian birds. This physical exchange in Seville allows students to strengthen ties and discuss specific aspects of the project in working sessions carefully prepared by the participating teachers.

imagen parque Doñana
imagen parque Doñana

We should emphasize the open communication and constant exchange of documents and content by students. Participating teachers promote student autonomy and processes of reflection on the subject matter. The project provides pupils with extensive room for experimentation with ICT. All communication between pupils is basically through the TS, the project blog, e-mail and use of Google Drive (googledocs, googlehangout), as well as through collaborative writing tools such as Titanpad. Apart from the above-mentioned tools pupils use Linguee and Google Translator for translations in context, Isuu for submitting documents online, wondershare for the production of videos and the Youtube Channel as a means for publication and dissemination.

actividad con Titanpad
actividad con Titanpad

From the NSS we’d like to congratulate participating teachers and pupils for promoting the opening up of the school to the exterior, for experimenting with new forms of classroom work and producing quality work to raise awareness of the need to protect the natural ecosystem.

Manualidad lince
Manualidad lince

Image source: Iberpatrimonio Natura project TS


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