Inclusion, the central theme of the eTwinning programme in 2017

Inclusion, the central theme of the eTwinning programme in 2017

The theme that will guide the activities of the eTwinning programme in 2017 will be inclusion. Thus we will be continuing to pursue a line of actions based on the values of the Paris Declaration which promotes citizenship, freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination..

In the education field we will be addressing the concept of inclusion from a broad perspective, in accordance with the four main priorities for European cooperation mentioned by the Paris Declaration:

  1. ensuring that children and young people acquire social, civic and intercultural competences, by promoting democratic values and fundamental rights, social inclusion and non-discrimination, as well as active citizenship
  2. enhancing critical thinking and media literacy, particularly in the use of the Internet and social media, so as to develop resistance to all forms of discrimination and indoctrination
  3. fostering the education of disadvantaged children and young people, by ensuring that our education and training systems address their needs
  4. promoting intercultural dialogue through all forms of learning in cooperation with other relevant policies and stakeholders.

During the course of 2017, we will emphasize this topic across our eTwinning activities: from workshops and conferences, to communication campaigns, publications and featured articles on the portal.

If you are still not a member of eTwinning, we encourage you to register and participate in the different planned activities.

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