The voices of water

The voices of water

Comenius-eTwinning project carried out between Italian, Spanish and Polish schools. The project involved research into the presence of water in human civilization and in different scenarios.

The project also aimed for students to reflect on responsible management of water resources. Each visit to partner schools serves as a stimulus and is efficiently used to give a boost to the project, to get to know partners better, give shape to the various activities and share and present results.

The project was aimed at students aged 16-20. It used a project-based learning methodology and task-based approach with a clear CLIL (art, literature, biology, music, etc.) orientation.

Curriculum integration was evident in all phases of the project. For example, in the Natural and Social Sciences area they studied the different rivers, lakes, canals and seas in Europe, in the Physical Education area they went hiking, arousing interest in sport in nature, in the Music area pupils composed music based on water, in the field of artistic teaching they produced various performances regarding water in the natural environment, in Technology they analysed contamination of aquifers, etc.

This project-based learning methodology and task-based approach allows students to develop skills and acquire curricular learning of the areas studied. Pupils thus develop competencies in the language field but also work efficiently on other competencies. Spanish and English were used as languages of communication.

Mixed nationality groups were encouraged during the process of research and creation of final products. A logo contest was held, as well as a radio programme, comics, a digital newspaper about different types of mobility, etc. All the work performed is collected on a website like a project catalogue.

blog las voces agua

At the NSS we’d like to congratulate participating teachers and students for producing an eTwinning project which encourages learning, collaboration and core competencies and, above all, the emotional dimension allowing communicative and intercultural ties beyond the school.

Image Source: TwinSpace and project blog.


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One comment

  1. Julio M. says:

    El proyecto es muy completo. Tal vez le falte un pelín de ajuste a la realidad en cuanto a los imponderables que afectan a los desarrollos de este tipo de proyectos. Enhorabuena por el gran esfuerzo que han hecho los que han colaborado en él.
    Julio M.

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