Project cards, a virtual accomplice

Project cards, a virtual accomplice

The eTwinning National Support Service offers all etwinners and non etwinners their email address at to resolve any questions or technical or teaching problems. But for all etwinners who are working on a project, the NSS provides even better support:

Project cards

What are they? This is a private messaging service linked to a project, where communication only occurs between the teacher and one of the NSS advisers.

Where are they? You can access the cards from your eTwinning Live, Projects section, and at the bottom of the project description there’s a table of activities including Project cards: Talk to your NSS


Live, tarjetas de proyecto

By clicking here, the project cards page will open, and where you’ll find a welcome message.

primera tarjeta SNA de bienvenida

For your first card click on Write a post.

After sending the message, the NSS receives the notice and an advisor (always the same throughout the project) will be responsible for answering you. If you’re working on more than one project, you may have a different advisor for each project. The advisor will follow your project.

What can I write? On the cards you can ask for advice on specific aspects of the project. For example, a suitable tool for an activity that you want to do, how to plan an activity to make it collaborative, how to make better use of the project diary, what to do when a partner leaves the project, how to involve families, etc.

And even if you don’t have any specific questions you can mention how a particular activity has gone and tell us what you have planned next. This way, your advisor will know when to enter the TwinSpace or other platforms of your project to see what’s new and, if they consider it appropriate, make any recommendations or suggestions.

If you want, you can invite the advisor as a visitor to your project Twinspace so they can access the private sections. The cards allow you to attach files and you can receive recommendations or explanations with files such as tutorials, articles or web pages from the NSS.

Adjunto tarjetas publicación

How to invite a visitor from SNA_etwinning to TwinSpace


We’ve found that the project Cards benefit the project’s quality in all aspects.


Feel supported when you carry out your project. Write to us and we’ll answer you!




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En cumplimiento de la normativa de protección de datos personales, le informamos de que sus datos serán incorporados al tratamiento denominado “eTwinning participación”, cuya finalidad es la participación en el proyecto de colaboración europeo eTwinning.

Puede usted ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, oposición, supresión (“derecho al olvido”), limitación de tratamiento y portabilidad y a no ser objeto de decisiones individuales automatizadas que sean de aplicación de acuerdo a la base jurídica del tratamiento. Podrá hacerlo en la sede electrónica del ministerio (, presencialmente en las oficinas de registro o por correo postal.

Al rellenar y enviar este formulario usted concede su consentimiento inequívoco para el almacenamiento de sus datos en nuestros ficheros tal y como se especifica en nuestras normas de privacidad.

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