Quality in Pre-primary and Primary Education projects

Quality in Pre-primary and Primary Education projects

Here are some examples of good practices for Pre-primary and Primary education for each of the six existing evaluation criteria used for awarding National Quality Labels to eTwinning projects.

It’s essential to emphasize that all projects of school collaboration framed within the eTwinning initiative require great effort and work from the people involved (especially teachers and students); they also support and strengthen the teaching and learning process carried out in the classroom and are represent a major motivator for the teachers and students who participate..

A Quality Label is a way to recongnize the projects that stand out for different reasons (work, effort, collaboration, use of ICT, innovation, etc.). This recognition is awarded to those eTwinning projects that meet the six pre-established quality criteria that all 41 eTwinning countries share. You can check the information related to these criteria here.

Each stage of the Spanish education system has its own specific features, its own strengths, challenges, and difficulties. As the first in a series of more extensive articles on the topic, below is a short list of projects and ideas that can serve as a guide or inspiration for each of the six Quality Label evaluation criteria for the Pre-primary and Primary Education projects. These ideas can be applied in future eTwinning projects. Moreover, for each criterion there, we included a link to a related article on the website of the Spanish National Support Service so as to give as much information as possible on every criterion.

1. Pedagogical innovation and creativity

2. Curricular integration

3. Communication and interaction among partner schools

4. Partner school collaboration

5. Use of technology

6. Results, impact, and documentation

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