Online Panel Discussion: And now, what?

Online Panel Discussion: And now, what?

The Spanish National Support Service has offered, among their teacher training activities, the MOOC “Open eTwinning”. The experience is being quite satisfactory; almost 1500 teachers from different countries are interacting and exchanging ideas. On Thursday June 9th, as part of the MOOC’s activities, a panel discussion was broadcast in YouTube and Google+, with the participation of the National Support Services most represented in the MOOC: Irene Pateraki (Greece), Massimiliano D’Innocenzo (Italy), Rita Zurrapa (Portugal), Nataša Jerković (Serbia) and Diego Rojas (Spain). The discussion items were decided by the MOOC participants, who published their questions and doubts on Facebook and Twitter, with the hashtag #etwinquest. If you missed it, you can see it at:



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MOOC eTwinning
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