eTwinning Virgilio Group

eTwinning Virgilio Group

Recommendations Live tutorials

Just as Virgil helped Dante to find the path to Paradise in the Divine Comedy, the Virgilio Group will help you find your way in the eTwinning world. Do you fancy starting this trip?

A few months ago, coinciding with the launch of eTwinning Live, three Italian ambassadors created a group (in English) with the aim of guiding teachers in the eTwinning world: the Virgilio Group (Grupo Virgilio). In this group, any eTwinner (either a new or experienced member) can ask questions, get answers and share all kinds of information and content about the eTwinning world.

Once you’ve joined the group, you have the choice of filling out a questionnaire to know what eTwinning level you’re at: First step – Lost in the wood; Second step – Climbing up; Third step – Up to heaven. Each level has its own page, and each of these pages has different content (activities, games, forums, tutorials …) according to the corresponding level. In addition, this group also has a page dedicated to eTwinning Live, with tutorials and small activities. Another highlight is the specific forum for finding partners for our projects.

Estructura de páginas del grupo eTwinning Virgilio
Virgilio group structure


With more than 2,000 members, the Virgilio Group is currently one of the largest in eTwinning. From the NSS, we encourage you to join, regardless of whether you’re new to eTwinning or not, and to benefit from all the advantages this group can offer you.

Icono búsqueda de socios grupo Virgilio
Virgilio group partner search icon


Click on the link below if you need information on how to join an eTwinning group:

Image source: Virgilio Group on eTwinning Live