Learning communities: eTwinning

Learning communities: eTwinning

ICT tools

Organization into learning communities is not unique to our time. The condition of sharing has always been part of human nature. Ever since the birth of humanity, people have been organized in communities to survive, collaborate and learn.

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ICT integration in the classroom: eTwinning

ICT integration in the classroom: eTwinning


Anabel Carrasco Romero, a Primary Education Undergraduate student at the Faculty of Education of Ciudad Real (University of Castilla-La Mancha) sets out some interesting reflections on eTwinning, the subject chosen for her Bachelor thesis, as a tool to meet the technological challenge in today’s classrooms. Continuar leyendo

Recognition of participation in eTwinning Projects

Recognition of participation in eTwinning Projects

Reconocimientos eTwinning

If you are participating in an eTwinning project, it comes to an end and you think the objectives have been achieved, ask theappropriate educational authorities to recognize that participation in hours or credits.

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Emaze presentations

Emaze presentations

ICT tools

Emaze is a simple application which allows you to create exciting new presentations.

 Ángel Luis Gallego, an eTwinning Embassador in Extremadura and Teacher of Latin in the Secondary School of Vegas Bajas in Montijo (Badajoz), tells us how Emaze can be an interesting and useful tool for creating online presentations.

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Planning an eTwinning project with Google Docs

Planning an eTwinning project with Google Docs

ICT tools

Planning an eTwinning project is one of the basics in the early stages of working with the partner and largely determines the success in project coordination and results. Juan F. Peñas Viso, eTwinning Ambassador and Primary school teacher at San Babil primary school (Navarra) tells how to approach this project phase using Google Docs.
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I look after my environment (Cuido mi entorno)

Featured projects

Title of the Project: I Look after my Environment

Project Coordinator: Juan F. Peñas Viso

Centre: CEIP San Babil (Ablitas, Navarra)

Age Range: 4 to 11 years

Link to the Project Materials: TwinSpace

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