Flip your classroom with eTwinning

Flip your classroom with eTwinning

ICT tools

A few weeks ago and for the fifth time, an eTwinning event for Teachers in Spanish was held in Madrid. The event was named “Proyecta eTwinning” (projecting eTwinng). Of all the lectures and workshops held, there was one that we want to highlight, due to the growth and importance this methodology is having. This was the workshop given by Inmaculada Contreras, “Flipped Classroom. Learn by turning your classroom around” Continuar leyendo

Programming in the classroom with eTwinning

Programming in the classroom with eTwinning

ICT tools

The use of mobile applications by all of us is an everyday habit. We could not imagine our daily lives without communicating through instant messaging, without checking before leaving on the weather or traffic conditions, without motorizing our physical activity, or without playing that game that is so addictive.

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ICT integration in the classroom: eTwinning

ICT integration in the classroom: eTwinning


Anabel Carrasco Romero, a Primary Education Undergraduate student at the Faculty of Education of Ciudad Real (University of Castilla-La Mancha) sets out some interesting reflections on eTwinning, the subject chosen for her Bachelor thesis, as a tool to meet the technological challenge in today’s classrooms. Continuar leyendo

I look after my environment (Cuido mi entorno)

Featured projects

Title of the Project: I Look after my Environment

Project Coordinator: Juan F. Peñas Viso

Centre: CEIP San Babil (Ablitas, Navarra)

Age Range: 4 to 11 years

Link to the Project Materials: TwinSpace

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