À table en Mediterranée

À table en Mediterranée is an eTwinning Project which takes gastronomy as its theme. The Mediterranean diet is taken as a vehicle and used as a common thread to explore various and diverse themes.

The objective of the project is not for the pupils to learn recipes or put into practice their culinary skills. The main objective of the project is for the pupils to become acquainted with gastronomic cultures from the times of the Romans until the present day. The pupils enjoy a historic stroll through the past which is full of flavours, smells, diverse artistic expressions, political intrigues and social changes. All this, accompanied by emotions and feelings inspired by food and cooking.

María José Rodríguez de la Cueva, the Coordinator of the Project and Teacher at IES Ruiz Gijón in Utrera describes the objectives of the project:“ To learn how to learn; to discover by investigation; to accept by sharing, to create ideas by imagining; to construct in collaboration; to live together respectfully; to advance while having fun; to unite; to make lasting contacts; to empathize with one another. À table en Mediterranée, a table and dishes from the past to our present day, working together, spending time together, the culture and the comprehension of others will allow us to respect one another and to broaden our horizons.”

fotos a table mediterrane

The project is multidisciplinary and integrates various subject areas, such as, Spanish, French, History, Literature, Latin, Biology, Mathematics and many more. The design of the many and diverse learning activities encourages collaboration, investigation, reflective thought and gives the pupils a central role in the development of the project.


Throughout the logo competitions; the interviews of the local gastronomic cooks / experts; the creation of stories in the format of comics; the participation in cookery competitions; the use of technological communication tools, such as: Twitter, Movie Maker, Issuu, Polldaddy, Prezi, Youtube, Webnode, etc. The pupils have developed many new skills and abilities which have led them to tangible results which can be seen on the webpage of the project and in the form of a comic showing many different stories.


Finally, the pupils have had the opportunity to meet their companions in the project and to spend a week together sharing experiences and opinions with them: evaluation of the project

We would like to highlight the combined effect of all the active agents in the educatonal community who have contributed sufficient information to resource the existing project and offer suggestions for the improvement of the project in the future.

alumnado a table mediterrane

We congratulate the team of teachers and pupils that have participated in this exciting mixture of original themes and didactic proposals. We encourage them to continue with this fruitful method of collaborative work.

Source of images: the webpage of the Project – À table en Mediterranée.

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One comment

  1. Amalia Amparo Pérez Ruiz says:

    Me ha encantado,me parece superinteresante.Trabajan de forma interdisciplinar con diferentes áreas y de manera tan atractiva.¡Enhorabuena!.

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