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    Activities for projects

    In this section, you will find models of activities to replicate, adapt, or use as inspiration in designing activities for your eTwinning project. We present the criteria that have been followed in their design so that you can make the most of them.

    Block 3: Interaction

    Media literacy and misinformation activities

    Block 2: Content creation

    Inclusion Activities

    Environmental activities and fight against climate change

    Cultural Heritage Activities

    Block 1: Presentation and organization of teams


    The activities are organized around 3 blocks that reflect three recurring dynamics in eTwinning projects. Each block is identified with a color:


    Presentation and organization of students in international teams to work on the project.


    Creation of Content by students related to the topic of the project.


    Direct interaction between partner students using digital tools.

    Age Groups

    The work dynamics change depending on the ages of the students. The objective is to provide examples of activities that encourage the leading role of students, regardless of their age. To respond to the specific characteristics of the students, 4 age groups have been organized:

    3-6 years

    (Children and 1st Primary Cycle)

    7-11 years

    (2nd and 3rd Primary Cycle)

    12- 15 years
    +16 years

    Difficulty level

    2 levels of difficulty are established for 2 parameters: collaboration and technology.

    Basic Level

    Technology: use of simple tools (from TwinSpace itself or external).
    Collaboration:interaction and reaction to content shared by partners.

    Medium Level

    Technology: use of complex tools (TwinSpace and external).
    Collaboration:full collaboration and cooperation in international teams.

    Informational icons

    Timing: number of sessions planned
    Recommendation on number of members
    Technological needs

    Hyperlinked icons (clicking takes you to the content)

    TwinSpace tools tutorials
    Tools and tutorials external tools
    Example of the activity in the TwinSpace


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